Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Storage & Packing & Moving, Oh My!

I don't have much to report, but as this is an experiment in chronicling my life, I suppose even the mundane deserves some love now and then.

As anyone who knows me is brutally aware, I am a procrastinator. I'm not sure if this has something to do with the fact that I am one of those who does my best work under pressure or if I just don't handle things well in little spurts, but like to get it all done at once. Either way, this particular little character trait makes moving a bit of an ordeal in my head. Unlike 2 years ago when I made this move, I was way ahead of the game on squaring away my living arrangements, and since I will not be making the mistake again of renting an apartment in Austin, I will be leaving most of my stuff here in Lubbock. Because of this, I knew I was going to need to rent a storage unit.

Well, my friends, I have accomplished this task! AND I feel like I got a pretty good deal to boot! A month and a half free rent for paying for a few months in advance and not having to think about that bill until April are both pretty good things in my book.

Now comes the fun part; getting things into said storage until. Ugh! You would think after having done this moving thing 10 times in the past 8 years I would be much more skilled at it. Let me be the first to tell you, I am not. Once I get started it goes pretty smoothly, but trying to figure out where to start is just a total nightmare. On top of that, this time I have to figure out what things are going to be essential and what can be left behind. Granted, anything I am on the fence about can be taken to Ft. Worth and left with my mom (who is gracious enough to allow me to fill the guest bedroom with my out of season wardrobe and items I don't feel comfortable storing AND is playing foster home to my precious pup. Mom, you are wonderful, thank you!), but there is only so much room there. Of course, now that I'm venting about everything, I have a plan forming in my head. Okay, this may not be too bad.

There's still no word from the House yet on the approval of our district lease. Man alive, I really wish they would get that done. In my head, nothing works out right unless we get moved into that office by Friday. I know I can make anything work, but I was really hoping to have a full 4 days to be able to worry about nothing but packing my apartment up before going to Ft. Worth for Christmas. (this way I can load my car down with the stuff I know will be staying there and wont have to make 2 or 3 trips to do so...that gets so expensive) It's only Tuesday, so there is still time. I just hope my nerves don't fry themselves in the meantime.

Attended a meeting with the Lubbock County Republican Party last night that lasted 2 1/2 hours. The majority was spent discussing a resolution they were wanting to issue regarding the Speaker's race. Sometimes it is really hard for me to hold my tongue and keep my opinions to myself, but I did. I understand the need to feel as though you are staying engaged and have a role in the way your elected officials conduct their business. It is your right. If people don't get involved, then it no longer becomes a government for the people, by the people. What I don't get is trying to turn a typically friendly process into something divisive and reminiscent of Washington politics. The voices screamed they are fed-up with the way Washington currently works, yet want to introduce a process for electing the Speaker of the Texas House that is both secret and the exact same as it is done in Congress. I think there are a lot of misconceived notions out there and some people cling too tightly to rhetoric and rumor than they do to facts. Hopefully, in time, people will stay as engaged as they currently are, but armor themselves with facts rather than mob-inspired banter.

Well, I think I have rambled on for long enough, and it is time that I get to tackling that packing monster. Wish me luck!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Welcome to My World


Before we begin, I ask that you please bear with me as this whole blogging thing is completely new in my world, and I can guarantee I will make mistakes along the way.

Now that the disclaimer is out of the way, let's start, shall we? I am in the midst of getting ready to set off on a new adventure in my life and had a thought, "With all that is happening and about to happen, how in the world am I going to be able to remember it all?" In the past, I have kept a journal to commemorate the unique moments in my life, however, there are obvious limitations to that medium. Instead I chose to keep journal-ing while adding a 21st century twist. So here we are. I can't promise that I am always going to have something compelling to say or be able to lay profound wisdom before you, but I can promise that what I write will be from the heart and of importance to me. 

So what is this new little adventure I speak of? Well, I am getting ready to move to Austin for work. My job allows me the ability to do this every 18 months. From January to at least June, I have the opportunity to work in the halls of the state capitol. This will be my second legislative session to work, and I could not be more excited. 

Adding another level of change is the fact that I have a new boss. Since my primary position is in the district, I am also in the middle of tearing down my previous boss' office and opening the new boss' office. It has been a challenge, but one I take on gladly. I consider myself a very blessed girl, and this new chapter is simply another blessing to add to the ever-growing list. So my dear friends, for those that I will be saying "goodbye for now" to in just a few short weeks, know that I will miss you and I will expect a phone call should you decide to make a trip to Austin in the coming months. To those I have not seen since my last Austin stint, I am so excited to be working with you again under the pink dome and gallivanting around with you through the streets of Austin. 

Now that we're caught up with the major changes in my professional life, here's a rather big one going on in my family life: I am going to be an aunt! While I would love to tell you all that I am not going to be one of those crazy, obsessed aunts, I just cannot guarantee this. I have a feeling I will be gushing over this little boy the moment he gets here in April and quite possibly before. I treat and squee over my dog, Britton, as though she were my child, so chances are I will be doing the same, if not worse, over this addition to my family. 

I believe we are about as caught up as we can be for now. From here on into the future, please accept my thanks for your interest in my life. I hope I do not bore you too much.